MilSpeak Foundation, Inc., a 501c3 public nonprofit organization, exists to raise awareness about creative works by military people. MilSpeak programs introduce military people to stress management through participation in the Arts. MilSpeak Books publishes creative works by military people. MilSpeak Memo, an online literary magazine, publishes literature and art by military people. The results? Preserving in art and literature a history of the everyday in military life, creating communication and understanding between military and civilian cultures, promoting freedom of speech for military people by providing venues for their creative works, and having fun doing it all. 
MilSpeak Foundation is staffed by volunteers. Donations are used to fund MilSpeak programs and operations. All MilSpeak programs and services are offered free to military people. Donations are federal tax deductible and may be deductible in your state. Please refer to regulations for your state.
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