*MilSpeak Books publishes only creative works by military people*
  * MilSpeak Foundation defines military people as active duty, reservists, retirees, medical retirees, and veterans, those who have served for any period of time, even those now serving in a brig or in prison. Further, the term Military People includes family members: children and spouses, parents, grandparents, etc. - any family member of any veteran. Federal employees who have served in the US Department of Defense, and civil servants aboard our bases are included in this definition, as are members of the Merchant Marine. If you’re not sure if you qualify as a military person, but you’re wondering, then you probably do. Ask us. MilSpeak Foundation is inclusive, not exclusive.


Prose: Send synopsis, chapter summary, and the first 25 pages in a  .doc or .docx file attached to an email. Include a cover letter that clearly states your military connection.
Poetry: Send up to five poems in a .doc or .docx file attached to an email. Include a cover letter that clearly states your military connection. 
Art: Query with up to five jpegs. Include a cover letter that clearly states your military connection and defines your vision for this project.
Short film: Query with synopsis. Include a cover letter that clearly states your military connection.
Include a biographical note that includes mention of the writer or artist’s military               connection. 
Work received without mention of the writer or artist’s military connection will not receive a reading. 
Email attachments with contact information to


MilSpeak Books is a nonprofit, independent, micro-press and ‘stepping stone’ publisher. We publish only eBooks at this time. Only submit work that you are willing to publish electronically. MilSpeak Books is designed to provide writers with a professionally published eBook that allows the writer to experience the publishing process, to build a readership, and to possibly attract a larger publisher. MilSpeak Books does pay royalties, but all MilSpeak Books authors must agree to offer their work in the Sied Books program. 

There is no cost to MilSpeak Books authors for publication. 
MilSpeak Books authors are contracted under the MilSpeak Foundation ‘no fault’ rule: authors will be released from their contracts immediately upon request, with no penalty. 
We don’t have funding for marketing at this time, but we do practice innovative ‘Can do-Make do’ marketing. 
We can’t promise a best seller. That’s up to the writer. 
To write is to risk being known. To publish is to risk rejection, failure, and success beyond your wildest dreams. Risk. 

We want our writers to love their work, their books, and their partnership with MilSpeak Books. Sound too good to be true? Think again. MilSpeak Foundation publishes to serve those who serve - we want our writers to find readers and we want our readers to find books they love. We want artists and audiences to find each other. We want military people who create art to be able to realize the dream of sharing that art with an audience. That’s all there is to it. No kidding.
Milspeak Memo is dedicated to Freedom of Speech for Military People. 
Milspeak Memo is devoted to publishing creative writing by military people.

Memo posts Annually, Sometime during each Calendar Year

Simultaneous submissions are accepted.
Unpublished work preferred.
Photographs and maps are welcome (jpeg format), but must be included in the document file, formatted as they should appear, with permission for use secured by author.

Sea stories, links, anecdotes, jokes, art, etc. are welcome.

URL Links to videos are welcome.

Original Music digital files are welcome.

Photos of Art are welcome.

Book release news, gallery news, film release news - yes, this too is welcome. 

If you’re an emerging writer, artist, musician, filmaker, dancer, and you fit the MilSpeak Foundation definition of  military person - we want to assist you in connecting with your audience.  

Submissions must pertain to some aspect of military life; however creative works with other themes that are written by military people will be published based on merit.
Submissions accepted only via email to
Work may be sent in the following formats:
pasted into an email body

Work must be formatted as it should appear when published.
Photos must be placed where they should appear in the text.

Photos will be accepted only in jpeg format.

Artwork is welcome!
Send .jpeg file or link to website

Will post cover image and link for purchase of books by military people and books the editor determines are important to military people. 

Book reviews are welcome.  

Publisher reserves the right not to post material unsuitable for a general adult audience. Material that in any way adversely affects our nation’s security or our warriors’ safety will not be posted. Other than formatting the work for the web, each submission will appear as it is received, in the author’s own words, uncensored. Please include a statement in submission email granting Milspeak Memo one-time nonexclusive rights to publish. Also include a contributor note and photograph if you would like one to appear with your work. Authors retain all rights to their work and grant Milspeak Memo nonexclusive, one time only rights to post their work on the web. MilSpeak Memo cannot monetarily compensate writers because this magazine operates without funding or overhead. That’s right - no money. What a concept, right? Thank Foucault. Everything is exactly not as it seems with MilSpeak Memo. The editorial staff is not prompt, often is politically incorrect, and humor at its finest, humblest, or bawdiest is always welcome. No crap, please. Right now, Memo has so much material, and the staff is so far behind, that we could publish into the next millennium. Send your best anyway. Bullets, tears, roses, thorns - someone will read it.


Copyright 2005-2015 MilSpeak Foundation, Inc.
The appearance of hyperlinks or logos does not constitute endorsement of Milspeak, Milspeak Memo, or linked sites, or the information (written and graphic), products, or services contained therein, by the Department of Defense,  any other government agency or office. 

MILSPEAK FOUNDATION (501c3),  foundation programs and publications, do not engage in political activity; however, writers and artists may present political opinions. Every attempt will be made to make space for diversity. Content on these pages represents thoughts and opinions of the writers & artists, and not the official position of MilSpeak Foundation, its directors or of any other person, organization or institution. 

Purchasing a MilSpeak Books title supports MilSpeak Foundation.  Milspeak Books are available at MilSpeak Books on Smashwords! Enter coupon code LN46E at checkout to receive a free copy of the MilSpeak anthology.