andrew syor
      Fading Away

vented adventures 
from hardened participants
of another time

encounters evoked
weapons of their age recalled
fallen remembered

forever preserved 
the horrors and the raptures
delivered by war
sharing sensations 
Warriors pause to reflect
long ago conflicts

feeling envious 
of others who continue 
this lasting poem

   Andy Syor


On a frigid dawn
the Sun ascends in concert
with mists from a lake

one late winters’ scene 
prompting reawakening
to understanding

nature’s calendar
solstice toward equinox
bringing the seasons

a continued happening 
for all that occurs 
  Andy Syor


mindlessly observed 
seascape surrounding in the      
undistinguished now

sights and sounds of an
energetic melody
routinely noticed

as gulls dive and shriek
crashing waves melt on the shore
amid winds’ bluster

devices absent
a walking meditation
away from worlds’ woes

      Andy Syor

    Shared Being 

Boundless horizons
infinite destinations
fleeting durations
Global denizens
commonality obliged
sentient odysseys

Vital energies											
perhaps chi possibly soul
searching contentment

Distinct voyages
trenchantly investigate 
natural domain

Amidst social melds  
persistent paradoxes
summon reasoning

      Andy Syor

      Zen Apropos

together began 
myself and this universe
therein all is one

				lucid points of view
shared with connected beings
to the cosmic chi

a sensed resonance	 
				opens entrance to inner
				enlightened domain

				focusing unsealed
emotionless consciousness
reaching nirvana

				whether kind or cruel 
				in human predicament
craving is the root
	Andy Syor

Andrew “O.A.T.S.” Syor served as a United  States Marine from 1965-69. Following discharge from the Corps, Andy moved  to Canada, where he resides. Andy’s first book, Triptychs: A ‘Nam Marine’s Now and Then, is scheduled for release, Fall 2011, by MilSpeak Books. Triptychs, a study in stretch-haiku, flash memoir, and abstract photography, takes the reader on a narrow road to the interior of a Vietnam Veteran’s assimilation of his wartime experience.  Henry Avignon’s abstract gestural photographs heighten the reading experience while setting each “panel” in the triptych form, similar to medieval altarpieces. Now, in the 21st century, each panel is composed of poetry, prose and photographs presented in electronic book format.  The stretch-haiku pane, a new meditation in the ancient tradition of linked verse and haiku, represents Andrew’s reflective now. The flash memoir pane represents Andrew’s Vietnam War combat past. Each photograph created by military family member Henry represents the binder between poetry and prose, the thread that binds then and now to the present, the eternal and the transient, and all that stands between those who served and those watched from home.